The Psytronik store is temporarily offline.
(Store will be back online on Feb 1st 2025)

The Psytronik store is currently offline for maintenance and updates. I will also be using this time to catch up on the backlog of orders currently in the system. These include the eagerly awaited Commodore Zone Collection USB's that are now shipping! The first batch is now sold out but a second batch will be made available on Feb 1st when the store re-opens.

When the store re-opens FIVE new C64 releases will be available to order. These include four exciting new additions to the popular Psytronik Collection tape range. Two classic ICON64 titles will be also be available to order together on a single C64 cartridge for the first time.

Keep an eye on this page for more updates and thank you
for your patience - Psytronik will be back, SOON!

In the meantime, please check out the exciting Psytronik Software
digital download section on the website -